Mali Chic i Bamako

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Bamako, Mali
Kontakter telefon: +223 75 81 44 67
Latitude: 12.6644324, Longitude: -7.9679183
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Kommentar 5

  • Chami Doumbia

    Chami Doumbia



  • Issouf Cisse

    Issouf Cisse


    Very interesting

  • Emma Parenteau

    Emma Parenteau


    I LOVE Mali Chic! I go every time I visit Bamako. It's true that they have all the same stuff as the grand marche, but with higher prices. However, the prices are worth it because: 1) The items are well-curated - Good variety and high quality so you don't have to sift through the junk like you would at a market. 2) The shopping experience is pleasant - The big markets are hot, crowded, loud, unhygienic, and time-consuming. Mali Chic is a clean, airy boutique with price tags. I know it's not the authentic market experience, but when I don't have the time/energy for that, Mali Chic seems magical in comparison. 3) Fabric items are ready-made - I love West African textiles, but getting fabric from a market and taking it to a tailor takes a lot of time and effort, plus you're never sure of the result. At Mali Chic, you can buy quilts, bags, cushions/covers, table linens, scarves, ect made of lovely Malian fabric without the hassle. 3) The staff and the artisans - The staff speak good French, are very courteous, and happy to show you around the artisan studio on the first floor. They are knowledgeable about supply in case there's something you want but can't find, and they can put you in contact with artisans if you have a special request. If you have all day and you want the hustle and bustle of a busy market, you can probably find what you’re looking for more cheaply at the grand marche. However, if you just want to buy your stuff without draining all your energy, Mali Chic is the place to go.

  • Julien ZEGERS

    Julien ZEGERS


    Heel mooie dingen te kopen van souvenirs, decoratie tot meubels

  • Salvatore Billa

    Salvatore Billa


    Rien de particulier, toujours le même choses

Nærmeste Tøjbutik:

L'ami Parfumeur Bamako

de koulikouro, Avenue Al Quds, Bamako
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