Laico Hotel L Amitie Bamako i Bamako

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Avenue De La Marne, Bamako, Bamako, ML Mali
Kontakter telefon: +223 20 21 43 21
Latitude: 12.6392656, Longitude: -7.9940011
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Kommentar 5

  • Sam Wiig

    Sam Wiig


    it was pretty good for a hotel in Mali not gonna lie needed more fish aquaculture

  • Alpha Sumareh

    Alpha Sumareh


    I was here for Rotary International District 9101 annual district conference, this was my 2nd time in Bamako and this time I really had the chance to explore this hotel. We were constantly attending different meetings in different conference rooms the hotel had series of this wide enough with modern designs, I saw people with wheelchair and it was accessible throughout the hotel. The hotel has different bars and restaurants food was always great and night entertainment was remarkable. I witnessed a live band performance singing in almost 6 different languages which was incredible I couldn't help it but to danced all night, there is a night club too which plays amazing dance musics various genres, the DJ was really good. It was always packed with celebrities and I had the chance to meet my favorite Pan-African artist Alpha Blondy. The rooftop view is amazing and the pool was always amazing and with the heat you will not wanna get out. Security in the place is in the next level and it has it all from service to entertainment and business events.

  • Idrissa Sidibe

    Idrissa Sidibe


    Sécurity tied and the tallest hotel in Mali nice

  • Chris Chijioke Ohurogu

    Chris Chijioke Ohurogu


    Clean, well managed and Friendly Reception .

  • Ben Andagalu

    Ben Andagalu


    "High end" hotel, lacking basic amenities such as in-room coffee making facilities, adequate towels etc. Swimming pool is ok.

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